Saturday, 4 May 2019



1. Mark correct option

a) DBO stands for District bag office(161(2)
b) The sorting assistant who is attending to regn dept of mail office is called   RSA
c) Daily report of MBC/Sections are received by  Sr/Superintendent of RMS
d) All the above are correct Ans: d

2. Mark correct option

a) For the purpose of bag account PO is a Unit Bag Office
b) Memo of authorized Bag balance is issued by Sr/Supdt of PO/RMS offices
c) Diagram of a sorting case is prepared by SRM
d) All the above are correct Ans:d

3. Metal token has to be returned , if the Sorting assistant

a) Goes on leave b) Transfer to other HRO
c) Dismissed/Removed from service d) All the above Ans:d(14)

4. Each set of a sorting office is divided into

a) Two departments b) Three departments
c) Four departments d) None of these Ans:c(1)

5. A mail office may redirect any article or intercept or deliver any article to the addressee

a) With permission of the Divisional Head
b) With the permission of the incharge
c) On the authority of the DG  or Head of the Circle
d) None of these Ans: c(4)

6. Information from RMS records asked for by any Govt officer be given

a) With the specific orders of the division head
b) With the specific orders of the DG posts
c) With the specific orders of the Head of the cirlcle
d) None of these Ans: c (5)

7. The misconnection between air services should invariably be reported by Record Officer to

a) DG of Posts b) The head of the division
c) The Head of the circle by first post d) None of these Ans: c(9)

8. Mark the correct option

a) Circulars of Head of the circle are issued by monthly
b) Monthly circulars which bear heading and a consecutive annual series of number
c) These circulars are issued and fwd to all Supervising  officers and Record officers
and should be filled in Guard books
d) All the above are correct Ans: d(10)

9. A metal of token authorized to type must be carried by all RMS officials except

a) Van attendants b) Mail guard
c) Supervising officer d) None of these Ans: c(14)

10. A metal token is supplied by

a) The supdt of RMS b) IRM
c) Record officer concerned d) Incharge of the set Ans: c(14)

11. The memorandum of Distribution work is issued by

a) The Head of the circle b) The Record officer
c) The sub divisional inspector d) The Supdt. Of RMS Ans: d(16)

12. The period of preservation of invoices of articles received from stock depot is

a) Six months b) Eighteen months
c) Two years d) Three years Ans:d(17)

13. Mark correct option related to preservation period

a) Order book of mail office and section is three years
b) Work paper of RMS offices and section is eighteen months
c) Correspondence related to robberies, theft etc is one year after the case
d) All the above are correct Ans: d(17)

14. Among the postage stamp kept in the stock of mail offices for sale if any stamp cannot be disposed of within a reasonable time the mater should be reported to

a) The record officer b) The local Postmaster
c) The Sub divisional IRM d) The Supdt. Of RMS Ans:d(18)

15. Mark correct option

a) In Head Record offices one key of the safe will be retained in the custody of HRO and other one is Accountant.
b) The insured seal supplied to the set of mail office should be kept in the personal custody of Head Sorting assistant
c) Each set of section is supplied with a portfolio with lock & key bearing designation of section
d) All the above are correct. Ans:d

16. The Head sorting Assistant of each set of the various sections attached to a Record Office will be supplied by the ________, in once in a _______

a) The supdt of RMS, week b) The Record officer, month
c) Head of the Circle, yearly d) None of these Ans: b(23)

17. The authority competent to relax the provision of office attendance at RO is

a) The supdd of RMS b) The record/sub record officer
c) The sub divisional Inspector d) The Head of the circle Ans:d(26)

18. The supervisor Speed post centre will send his daily report to Manager speed post

a) By means of a letter b) By fax message
c) By email d) By using format MS 83 Ans:d(28)

19. The following are the more important irregularities and occurrences which must be mentioned in the daily report

a) All irregularities reported by telegraph/fax.
b) Absence of carrier appointed to receive or deliver mails, the mails detained in consequence being mentioned.
c) Receipt or dispatch of special bags;
d) All the above Ans: d(29)

20. At all stations except changing stations the set about to proceed

a) Should be present one hour before the departure of the train
b) 15 min before the departure of the train
c) At the hour fixed by the Supdt. which will be at least half an hour before the departure of the train
d) None of these Ans: c(33)

21. The staff of a mail office may leave the office at any period during the working hour

a) With the permission of HAS b) With the permission of the IRM
c) For attending mail exchange d) All the above Ans:d(35)

22. The window of the mail van of a section should be kept closed

a) Throughout the beat of the section
b) When the train is in motion
c) When the train is drawn up at railway station platform till the train starts
d) None of these Ans: c(36)

23. When an official on duty in a mail van is attacked with any serious illness, the Mail Agent / Mail Guard should communicate the fact to

a) The Guard of the train b) The Superintend
c) The Record officer d) All the above Ans:d(38)

24. The cage TB addressed to the Mail office of Terminal Station is to be opened at the terminal station personally by

a) The mail agent b) The mail guard
c) The HSA d) None of these Ans: c(41)

25. Protecting bags containing articles marked ‘By parcel post”

a) To be entered in the mail list under unusual mail
b) To be entered under due mails
c) To be included in the total unusual mails entered at the top of the mail list with suitable remakes
d) None of these Ans:c(44)

26. Forward mail list containing bags for one or more intervening office is to be entered in the mail list in

a) Head ‘Due mail’ in the column TB b) L bag column
c) Pl bag column d) Special bag column Ans: a(44)

27. Transit bags must always be closed and sealed in the presence of

a) The senior most Gp D of the set
b) The IRM/Asst Supdt of RMS
c) The HSA/Mail guard/Mail agen
d) None of these Ans: c(45)

28. Express mail bags/express bundles mean

a) The mail witch should opened first and taken for sorting immediately
b) The mail will be received/ dispatched through express trains
c) The bags containing accountable articles
d) None of these Ans: a(54)

29. A station bundle is justified when there are more than

a) 5 UR of the letter mail b) 10 UR of the letter mail
c) 14 UR of the letter mail d) None of these Ans: c(61)

30. Whether the parcel bags and packet bags of the set are to be included in the transit bag or to be sent loose will be shown in

a) The due mail list of the set b) The advance work paper of the set
c) The sorting list of the set d) None of these Ans: a(63)

31. Before closing the work of the set for the day the work paper s must be examined by
a) The Head Sorting Assistant b) The Senior most PA
c) HRO d) None of these Ans: a(64)

32. Final duties of the HAS before quitting office

a) Should carefully examine each sorting compartment to see that no article are left in it unsorted
b) The sweeping, used labels, broken seal etc are personally examined
c) The articles of stationary, stamps, seals and books etc are carefully placed in the portfolio.
d) All the above Ans: d(66)

33. A Sorting assistant will be considered unfit for his post

a) If he is not dressed neatly
b) If he is a regular late comer
c) If he ms sends articles regularly which are clearly and legibly addressed
d) None of these Ans: c(68)

34. The station and territorial bundles received for onward transmission

a) Should be placed unopened in the bags in which there are to be forwarded
b) To be opened and removed mis send article and  give onward submission
c) To be opened and contents given to the detailed table sorting
d) None of these Ans: a(72)

35. At present APMC functioning at

a) Bangalore b) Delhi
c) Mumbai d) Kokata Ans:C(79)

36. The fee for a registered article that has been delivered by a post office in the same town and presented for registration unopened with a revised address is

a) Registration fee prescribed only b) Fee of any charge
c) Registration fee prescribed plus the postage d) None of these Ans: a(83)

37. High value station MO bundle is justified when the number of HVMO for a particular station exceeds

a) One b) Two
c) Three d) Six Ans: a(87)

38. Forward registered bundle should be treated

a) As per the number of article included b) Three
c) As a single registered article d) None of these Ans: c(88)

39. In a mail office when the work is not going on, the registration sorting case must be locked and the key should remain

a) With the HSA/Supervisor b) With the jamedar of the set
c) With the Registration SA d) None of these Ans: c(88)

40. If a regd article is presented for booking at the counter of mail office on Sunday

a) It will be refused for booking b) It will be accepted with normal fee
c) It will be accepted with late fee in additional to normal fee
d) None of these Ans: c(89)

41. In the mail office insured check sheet is to be maintained by

a) The HSA/Supervisor b) The mail sorting assistant
c) The insured registration PA d) None of these Ans:c(92)

42. The supervisor of a CRC is responsible for

a) Timely opening of the set
b) Maintaining the master data for the interim dispatch
c) Opening bag allocation closing bag allocation
d) All the above Ans:d(93)

43. Set master relating to CRC means

a) The incharge of set of the CRC
b) The HSA of the set under which CRC is functioning
c) The number of each working set in the CRC
d) None of these Ans: c(93)

44. The system administrator in CRC

a) He will be responsible for the maintenance and security in the functioning of the system by keeping secrecy of his own password and also ensuring proper maintenance of password of all officials working in CRC.
(b) He will be responsible for the generation of MIS (Management Information System) reports such as sorter report, set wise report, booking office/delivery office reports, transmission report, keying capacity report. Forced closed remark report and Login -Logout report.
c) He will be responsible for the maintenance of INI settings for Modern transmission and periodical Back-up/Restore of data and cleaning up of records.
d) All the above Ans: d(93)

45. Mail agency master related to CRC means

a) The mail agent of the mail office
b) The mail guard of the agency branch
c) It contains agencies detail of MMS & Sections for carrying bags closed in the CRC to other offices
d) None of these Ans: c(93)

46. Beat Master related to CRC means

a) The postman of beat of delivery office
b) It contains details of beats covered by each delivery office
c) All the above
d) None of these Ans: b(93)

47. The blank parcel list received from opening of a mail bag will be handed over to the parcel sorting assistant

a) Then and there through group D
b) Will be entered in separate mail list and tfr direct to the PSA under acquittance
c) All the above
d) None of these Ans: b(99)

48. Parcel sorting case must always be kept locked when the work of the Sorting is not going on and the key must remain

a) With the HSA b) With the supervisor
c) With the parcel sorting assistant d) None of these Ans:c(101)

49. Computerization of  a transit mail office facilitates

a) A proper watch on due mails and an estimation of the extra mail received
b) Reduction of paper work
c) More clarity of entries made in the mail list
d) All the above Ans:d(115)

50. When no mail bag is closed for office for which a blank parcel list is to be issued , the BPL should be dispatched

a) By entering in the mail list dispatched for that office
b) By enclosing in a service cover to be sent as unregistered article
c) By including in the mail bag closed for the nearest Post office
d) None of these Ans: a(102)

51 C 52 D 53 B 54 A 55 A 56 C 57 C 58 B 59 C 60 B
61 A 62 C 63 A 64 C 65 C 66 A 67 A 68 D

69 D 70 A 71 D 72 C 73 A 74 A 75 1-7-71 76 D 77 B
78 A 79 B 80 A 81 A 82 B

83 C 84 D 85 A 86 B 87 B 88 C 89 A 90 D 91 C 92 C
93 A 94 B 95 B 96 C 97 B 98 B 99 C 100 A

101. The willful removal of a page of an order book or guidance book

a) Will be regarded as a services offence and render the official liable for
b)      Will be reported to the Divisional Head who will order the recovery of cost of the book concerned
c)      Recovery of the cost of the book will be ordered by head of the office himself
d)      None of these Ans: a(21)

102. If metal token is lost it should be reported at once to

a) Record officer b) HSA
c) Supdt. of RMS d) ASRM Ans:a(14)

103. Mail abstract of RMS is divided into

a) 2 parts b) 4 parts
c) 3 parts d) None Ans:a(39)

104. Mail list in RMS should be prepared by

a) HRO b) SRO
c) HSA d) Mail guard Ans: c(44)

105. The abbreviation CTMO stands for

a) Central Transit Mail office b) Centralized transit mail office
c) Computerized transit mail office d) Circle transit mail office Ans:d(115)

106. The record not to be destroyed without the special permission of the Head of the Circle

a) Order book of a record office
b) Nominal roll of token holder
c) Work paper regarding which enquiry is in progress and not fully decided
d) All the above Ans: d(17)

107. The Record Officer is required to submit a daily report to the ______. The report should be accompanied by the daily reports of the __________ of the sections attached to the __________ and by the Sorting Assistants, written explanations (if any) of ________ committed by them.

a) Superintendent , HSA & Mail agent, Record office, irregularities
b) IRM, Record officer, Sections, irregularities
c) Head of the circle, IRM, Mail office, irregularities
d) None of these Ans: a(141)

108. The binding of acquittance rolls in respects of staff, for whom establishment returns are sent to the Postal account office and for whom service books of service rolls are maintained need not be in leather but in cloth as there are to be preserved for
          a)      5 Year b) 6 year
          c)      7 year d) 2 year Ans: b(146)

109. The following irregularities occur, they must invariably be noted in the Record officer’s daily report

(a) Non-attendance or late attendance of a Sorting Assistant on the attendance day at the Record
(b) Negligence on the part of a Sorting Assistant, as evidence by the number of complaints received against him, or by careless preparation of work-papers;
(c) loss of Sorting Assistant’s metal token; or sorting list
(d) loss of, or damage to any article supplied to the set;
(e) All the above Ans: e)(141)

110. Territorial money order should be prepared when the number of money order exceed

a) Three b) Six
c) Ten d) Five Ans: c(154)

111. Territorial RBs for each state  should be prepared when the number of RL exceed

a) Three b) Six
c) Ten d) Five Ans: c(154)

112. Mark correct options related to closing of bags

(a) Surface L bags: More than 50 articles.
(b) Surface D bags: More than 50 articles, 6 registered letters.
(c) Air Mail PC: Between 50 to 150 articles.
(d) Air mail bags: More than 150 articles.
(e) All the above Ans:e)(156)

113. Mark correct option related to frequently of visit

(a) SSRMs/SRMs/ASRMs of Divisional Office of City Divisions.- Three visits a week to mail offices; each night set once a fortnight, one PO in a week.

(b) SSRMs/SRMs/ASRMs of Divisional Office of non-city division.-Once a week visit to a mail office at HQ,3 mail offices in a month outside the headquarter. All the sets are to be visited including the SRO as well as one Post Office in that place.

(c) SRMs (Sorting) attached to mail offices.- Should visit one set of the Mail Office daily. Of these, two visits will be tothe night set every week.

(d) Sub-Divisional IRMs.- Once a week visit to each Mail Office at headquarters; once a month visit to all Mail Offices including all the sets and the SRO and at least one Post Office.

(e) All the above Ans: e)(157)

114. Metro mail survey carried out in

a) Chennai, Delhi b) Bangalore, Hyderabad
c) Mumbai, Kolkata d) All the above Ans: d(157)

115. The survey will be done by project co ordinarators concerned in the respective metros: with the assistance of

a) SSRMs/SRMs b) SSPOs/SPs
b) ASRMs/ASPs d) IRMs/IPOs
e) All the above Ans: e(157)

116. Mark correct option relating to Metro mail survey

a) One Gpo, TWO Sub-Post Offices and one Head Post Office should be selected for the survey.
b) The survey may be conducted separately in the GPO, the Head Post Office and the Sub-Post Offices. The Sub-Post Offices selected should have a reasonable quantity of mail.
c) 25% of the total mail received in the Post Offices is to be studied.
d) The list of the Post Offices where the survey has been conducted must be annexed to the report in proforma Forms C &D.
e) All the above Ans: e(157)

117. All India mail survey has to cover

a) Home district b) Neighbouring circle & distant circle
c) Home circle d) All the above Ans: d(157)

118. Mark correct option relating to All India mail survey

a) The survey will be conducted in one selected P.O. in each Division. The Post Office can be a Head Post Office or a Sub-Post Office.
b) The Heads of Circles will chalk out the Survey Programme in such a way that at least 25% of the Post Offices selected are in rural areas.
c) The Post Office selected should received a reasonable quantum of mail.
d) At least 25% of the articles received in the Post Office should be taken for the study.
e) All the above Ans:e(157)

119. Live mail survey is carried out in

a) Yearly b) Monthly
c) Half Yearly d) Once in two year Ans: b(157)

120. Mark correct option relating to live mail survey

a) The survey is to be conducted in one delivery PO in each Postal Division.
b) The PO to be selected should have a reasonable quantity of mail for study.
c) 25% of the Post Offices selected for the survey should be in rural areas
d) At least 25% of the total mails received in the PO selected is to be studied.
e) All the above Ans: e(157)

121. The postal stores depot situate at circle HQ are termed as

a) Central Bag office b) Circle bag office
c) DBO d) None of these Ans:b(161)

122. The Postal directorate ‘D’ Section will function as the

a) Central Bag office b) Circle bag office
c) DBO d) None of these Ans:a(161)

123. A report of bag balance in the pro forma given below will be submitted by each UBO to its _____daily and by each DBO to its weekly. The Circle Bag Office will send a______ of balances in the prescribed pro forma (not furnished here) on the __________to the Central Bag Office, i.e., ‘D’ Section of Postal Directorate.

a) CBO, CBO, Daily report , 1st of each month
b) DBO, CBO, monthly report , 5th of each month
c) UBO, DBO, monthly report , 10th of each month
d) None of these Ans: b(161)

124. Each ______will issue _____List in Form MS-74 in two parts for each office/set of Mail Office and section (except for BOs) once in_____. The list corrected upto _______will be issued by 15th November

a) IRM, Sorting  List, a month , 31st of October
b) Head of the cirlce, Due Bag, a year, 31st of October
c) Divisional Supdt. PO& RMS, Due Bag, a year, 31st of October
d) None of these Ans: c(161)

125. Choose the correct option relating to the minimum and maximum number of bags, which an office will be authorized to keep will generally

 a) For Unit Bag Offices and District Bag Offices Min No. of bags required for dispatch for day plus 10% and
(b) Maximum: minimum plus 25% in case of surplus offices ( i.e.,which receive more bags than they dispatch) and minimum plus three times the difference between receipt and dispatch in case of deficit offices (i.e., which dispatch more bags than they receive)
c) For Circle Bag Office.-(a) Minimum: No. of bags required for dispatch per day plus 10% for surplus offices and four times the number of bags dispatched in case of deficit offices  and Maximum: No limit.
d) All the above are correct Ans:d(161)

126. The Order Book of a Record Office:
(A) Is a permanent record and should not be destroyed at all
(B) May be destroyed as usual after expiry of the preservation period
(C) May not be destroyed without the special permission of the Superintendent
(D) May not be destroyed without the special permission of Head of the Circle / Region Ans:d

127. The present system of bag accounting was introduced with the object of:

(A) Cutting down the circulation of empty bags to the minimum possible
(B) Ensuring adequate working stock of bags in each office
(C) Ensuring that bags are not withdrawn for irregular use or misuse
(D) All above Ans:d

128. The seals, cords, labels and bags required to be preserved in connection with investigation into a case of loss or abstraction in the RMS should be preserved in the personal custody of the:

(A) Head Sorting Assistant
(B) Record Officer
(C) Office Supervisor of the Superintendent’s office
(D) Superintendent Ans:b

129. Register of Sanctioned Establishment should be destroyed at the end of:

(A) The year after issue of new one
(B) Two years after issue of new one
(C) Three years after issue of new one
(D) Five years after issue of new one Ans:a

130. A Sorting Assistant may be ordered to attend the RO for practice sorting by the:

(A) Superintendent (B) Inspector
(C) Record Officer (D) Any of Above Ans:d

131. Physical verification of bags should be done by every Unit Bag Office, District Bag Office and Administrative Office on the 1st of:

(A) Each month (B) January, April, July & October (C) April and October (D) January every year Ans:c

132. The minimum number of bags which a UBO will be authorised to keep will generally be equal to the number of bags required for despatch for the day plus:

(A) 10% (B) 20% (C) 25% (D) 50% Ans:a

133. A register of repairable bags will be maintained in every:

(A) Unit Bag Office (B) District bag office (C) Circle Bag officee (D) None of above Ans:c

134. Mark the incorrect statement:

(A) Mail bags intended for dispatch during working hours of the day should be secured by the mail assistant in the mail box
(B) The forward bags should be kept locked up in the mail box until it is time to dispatch them
(C) Parcel received loose should be made over to Parcel Assistant under receipt
(D) BO bags and loose account bags should be transferred to Sub Account Assistant Ans:d

135. Mark the incorrect statement:

(A) The postmaster should occasionally examine the paid contents of some of the mail bags opened in order to detect error in sorting
(B) The PM should occasionally be present when station mail bags are opened
(C) The PM should frequently and unexpectedly examine the contents of each Postman’s bag to ascertain unnecessary detention
(D) The PMr should occasionally examine the contents of Registered bags opened

136. Mark the correct option. What is the periodicity of supply of hand bags in RMS Wing:

(A) Not less than 5 years (B) Not less than 3 years
(C) Not less than 4 years (D) None of above Ans:b

137. If a Postal or SA finds a registered bundle bearing signs of damage or tampering, he should note the irregularity in the error book/note book and then:

(A) Transfer the registered bundle to the Postmaster/HAS
(B) Open the registered bundle
(C) Open the registered bundle in the presence of the Postmaster / HSA
(D) Open the registered bundle in presence of two witnesses Ans:a

(Prepared by AB Kantharaja  Kodagu Dn, Karnataka,  Mobile No 08969822340,

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