Monday, 9 September 2019

Equal Pay For Equal Work for causal workers (Daily wages workers)

Government of India
Ministry of personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated- 04-September 2019

Office Memorandum

Subject- Equal Pay For Equal Work for causal workers: Compliance with the earlier instruction and Hon’ble Courts Judgment thereon.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department OM No.49014/02/86. Estt.(c) Dated 07.06.1988 where it was inter alia stated That:

11)  Where the nature of work entrusted to the causal workers and regular employee is the same , The causal workers may be paid at the rate of 1/30th or the pay at the minimum of the minimum pay scale plus dearness allowance for the work of 8 hours a day.

22)    In case where the work done by a causal worker is different from the work done by the regular employee , the causal worker may be paid only the minimum wages notified by the ministry of Labour & Employement or the state Government  or Union Territory Administration, whichever is higher, as per the minimum wages Act-1948.

33)  Person on daily wages (causal workers) should not be recruited for work of regular nature.

The above instructions have been issued keeping in view the judgments of the Hon’ble Court. It is reiterated that it is the responsibility of all ministries / Departments to follow the above instructions in the letter and spirit.

( Surya Narayan Jha)

Under secretary to the Government of India.

Read full office memorandum:

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1 comment:

  1. इस नियम को लागू किया जायगा या नहीं | ये बात पिछले कई वर्षो से सुनते आ रहे है |
